I love complicated tram junctions. It always looks like they’re all about to crash into each other, but then it all works out just fine.
How did I know it was going to be this roundabout??
Where is this?
Vinnytsia, Ukraine. Zurich gave them their old Mirage trams. Zurich has a special relationship with Vinnytsia as they are giving them multiple generation of trams. Actually, some Tram 2000 are sent to Ukraine.
You can see the numbers on wikipedia.
somewhere in Ukraine based on the signs, idk the specific tram liveries to narrow it down
edit: it’s Vinnytsya. Painted that way since those trams came (for free) from Zurich, so it’s was decided to keep the livery as a sign of gratitude. It is now the official corporate color.
interesting that it’s the same livery as gothenburg’s trams, is there some history behind that maybe?
In Zurich, it’s the colors of the City and the Canton.
Doesn’t seem so. Different rolling stock, different operators, just a random color match I’d say