Nearing the end of French Duolingo section 2 and wondering if I should start trying to use some other resources.
Since the birth of my son, about seven weeks ago, I have had difficulties on finding the time and energy. I haven’t entirely stopped listening podcasts on my languages but meeting people to speak with and especially reading has suffered.
It’s not a crisis really but this time doesn’t lend it self for language studies as good as the time before fatherhood.
Couldn’t have a much better excuse than that. Go easy on yourself, you’re right to focus your energy on giving him a strong start!
Although while you’re taking care of him, you do have a captive audience for a bit of speaking practice, lol. I’m sure he won’t mind if you make mistakes.
I’ve slacked off so much, I feel guilty :( I hope this week I’ll get off my ass and continue learning, though
cnt ui even spell
Tried doing some language exchange on the ENG-JP VR Chat world earlier this week, and was faced with the stark reality that I need to drill grammar and basic conversational sentences more first. Day 453 of daily Anki vocab study.
Picked up German on Duolingo again. I should finish Unit 1 today or tomorrow.