Today’s game is minecraft PS3 Edition. I dragged my PS3 over to my friends house again today. Last time my PS3’s fans were screaming for mercy just from minecraft, but i opened it up and repasted the CELL and RSX and the fans were a lot quieter.

We played some more on the world from last time. I started a public works “committee” and built various things such as bridges and roads connecting things. My mascot is the Slime above. I set up a communal chest just for people to dump various things they don’t need into it. My friend tried to build a construction hat on it too.

This bridge is one of the things i built. It connects mine and my friends house. I had setup a whole quarry to mine cobblestone just for it.

for myself i also setup a sheep farm (for the slime) and a crop farm. The crop farm i spent longer than i should have on because i was trying to fit it around the path.

Over by the farm, there’s this chicken stuck on a floating island. We ended up fencing him in because we want to keep it safe. It’s been there for a while though.

Finally, i got this screenshot while we were playing splitscreen. My friend penned in a zombie with his dogs, and it was just chilling there. He ended up killing it because it would stop him from sleeping, but we built a grave to remember him by.

    2 days ago

    I’ve been playing minecraft on and off for over a decade but recently started again and rented a server, which some of my friends and family joined. It’s honestly the most fun I have had playing a video game in years. It’s such a cool feeling coming online and seeing that someone built something new and we basically have our own little town already. Sometimes we also meet up to explore some caves and look for diamonds or mines with loots.

    We also built a community center with a shared chest, post boxes for everyone on the server to give them stuff when they are offline and an enchantment table for everyone to use.

    And now I started playing around with plugins like ItemsAdder to add my own made stuff to the game, which gives it a whole new dimension of possibilties.

    2 days ago

    For anyone wanting to relive the minecraft 7th gen console experience on PC, I suggest you give the Legacy4J mod a try, specially with the Re-Console Modpack. I had lots of fun revisiting the old tutorial worlds