Blocking is an option if you don’t want to see my stuff. I’m just having fun and there’s no harm in it
Hopefully it holds up as well as other games of its age I’ve found then, because I’ve heard such amazing things about the Ezio trilogy and I’m excited to pick it up one day, despite how I keep putting it off
I think I can probably get ahold of Halo 5 without too much hassle. Worst case scenario I ask to borrow it from my usual Halo Co-Op partner because I know for a fact the has a copy. Thanks for the opinion. I’ve been eyeing Halo: Infinite all day considering getting it with the next Steam Sale, so the forewarning is appreciated
The dense crowds are so much fun. It really makes you feel immersed in the whole crowd blending thing
I still to this day have never played the Ezio saga outside of revelations. It’s on my list, but I’ve always favored the AC Games in the modern era more. I think I might try and go for it after Unity
And yeah, I agree. Unity’s setting is amazing and Parkour system is so badass with how smooth it is. I wish I had the patience to reach that skill level of Parkour in the game
I appreciate what the RPG titles tried, but I desperately want the Unity-Syndicate style format to come back. I feel like the pivot was too extreme just because of Unity
The book ones are especially disappointing for me, along with the QTE.
You said that they only stopped with this stuff with Halo Infinite? Am I going to be missing much if I jump Halo 5 and go straight to infinite or would you suggest playing 5 just to be safe?
I really wish it hadn’t flopped, because if they hadn’t I think Ubisoft would have continued down that route.
From what I have heard Shadows is returning at least the Stealth and Parkour, (and I’ve heard Mirage is similar but I’m not sure), so I’m excited. But I’m not counting on it until post launch
Just got there like less than 30 minutes ago. I have mixed feelings on how it ends.
Knowing how it kind of gets undone later kind of makes it feel meaningless, not to mention killing such a pivitol character feels like a bad move. The plot was a bit hard to follow for me, so i’m still not sure why they had to die at the end. I think if i could have followed the plot better it would have been easier for me to digest, i’m not 100% sure about that though. Though, i was sick for part of it so that may be on me.
Also, the final boss (if you could call it that), from what i understand, was a QTE. My game bugged out so only my friend could control it, but if i understand correctly that it’s a QTE, that feels kind of lame to me.
It was a surprise to be sure. It seems like Gamefreak always makes at least one starter per a generation become bi-pedal
I might steal this trend for Ultra Moon. I usually have a theme with my teams, but this team’s theme seems to be that there is no theme
Installing CFW on a console is such a fun nostalgic childhood memory i’ve noticed a lot of people who do it share, regardless of console. I’m also totally saving that Digimon ROM hack for later. I grew up without pokemon and only Digimon so for a long while i was only a Digimon fan
It’s mostly a joke, but i far prefer Litten’s base form personally
I can kind of get that. I don’t hate it, but it doesn’t feel anywhere near as unique as the others
The covenant in this one feels less like an actual story element and more like they’re just there because they’re expected. I guess that would tie back into what you’re saying about how it’s just ticking the boxes
Is it? I was thinking it was the kind of thing to sound like post game but I wasn’t sure
I don’t know much about the Ultra Story line, but from what i do know about it (Ultra Beasts and Team Rainbow Rocket), it just really doesn’t do it for me
USUM feels like the franchises often forgotten title i feel like. I really enjoyed the OGs, and though the whole Ultra Beast thing in USUM doesn’t really interest me, it is nice to have more content. I agree with the graphics and Soundtrack too, tropical things don’t really do it for me, but Sun and Moon i really enjoyed the OST for
Watching Doctor Who is such a treat. Where are you at? The 12th is one of my favorite runs
They were on Xbox with Splitscreen, I was on PC. I would have totally loved to all have been on the same console though 3/4 player splitscreen can be a chaotic amount of fun