For me, it started with not buying junk food at the grocery store. I knew it was bad for me for so many reasons and decided it was time. After a few initial cravings, I didn’t miss it at all.

This led directly to a reduced salt and sugar tolerance. Fast food and frozen meals I once enjoyed were now so salty or sweet, so I started cooking more at home.

Finally, this amplified the taste of fruits and vegetables and I gravitated away from other less healthy choices.

Now a few years later, I’ve saved a tonne of money, feel less tired, my blood pressure and cholesterol levels are better, and my complexion is clearer.

Did you make any smaller choices that led to a chain of improvements in your lives on your simple living journeys that we should consider?

    2 days ago

    I quit drinking. I wasn’t an alcoholic or anything, but I was drinking regularly. Quitting has saved money on my grocery bill, made going out cheaper, made me healthier, and enabled me to remember every fun night with my friends with perfect clarity.