For me, it started with not buying junk food at the grocery store. I knew it was bad for me for so many reasons and decided it was time. After a few initial cravings, I didn’t miss it at all.

This led directly to a reduced salt and sugar tolerance. Fast food and frozen meals I once enjoyed were now so salty or sweet, so I started cooking more at home.

Finally, this amplified the taste of fruits and vegetables and I gravitated away from other less healthy choices.

Now a few years later, I’ve saved a tonne of money, feel less tired, my blood pressure and cholesterol levels are better, and my complexion is clearer.

Did you make any smaller choices that led to a chain of improvements in your lives on your simple living journeys that we should consider?

    3 days ago

    I agreed to sub for a friend’s soccer team despite having not played for a decade or so.

    Fast forward a decade: I captain a team, play on two others, have made a boatload of awesome friends and am in better shape than I’ve ever been (which is a weird thing to say as an almost 40 year old.)