Before I say anything, I wanna apologize for ANOTHER political post and the length!

I’m sick and tired of other “Christians” giving us a bad reputation.

Trump manipulated Christians (mainly Evangelicals) into voting for him, and I’d add that it’s also about consumerism.

Evangelicalism, being so closely tied to American patriotism, sees a “strong” white billionaire as the ultimate symbol of leadership.

I become enraged when I see other “Christians” go on and on about family values, love, and appreciation when they can’t even appreciate their neighbour or hold up their family values.

What happened to helping the poor and needy?

Sitting with sinners?

I understand that the increase in crime is scary and the opposition to abortion, but you need to look beyond that because America isn’t a Christian nation- It’s a nation where you’re free to be Christian.

If someone chooses to get an abortion, they have the right to do so, even though we disagree.

It’s heartbreaking to see that many of my fellow brothers and sisters became so hateful.

Why can’t we just learn to tolerate each other?

    9 days ago

    Even the elect will be deceived. And they have been, since the Council of Nicea. You can find the most complete Bible online, the Ethiopian Bible in English, and there are still mistranslations. Refer to Jewish commentary about that. For instance, “tsela” means both “rib” and “side”. The English translators went with “rib” but Jewish went with “side,” and there was even debate among rabbais whether this meant atom was hermaphrodite or androgyne, with the consensus falling on “androgyne.”

    And while I’m at it, remember Jesus cautioned the disciples to not take things so literally, and explained why he taught in parables.