medications, including Vitamin C, cod liver oil, and the inhaled steroid budesonide
So glad to see we are using cod liver oil instead of those dangerous vaccines! /s
Just an fyi, if you’re over the age of 30 and the last MMR vaccine you had was the childhood rounds, you need to re-up
This is only true if you got the single dose schedule (1969-1989) or the inactivated (pre 1968)
And generally if you did something that modified the schedule it probably changed. I was born in the mid 80s and got the single dose schedule but my college dorm required the 2 dose schedule in the early 2000s. As such I basically have lifetime immunity, as does anyone who gets 2 doses spread about 28 days apart of activated vaccine (or an actual infection, which is why those prior to 1957 generally don’t need the vaccine)
And if anyone is unsure they can also have their immunization checked by their doctor (Called a titer test I think?)
Got a source on that? My info came direct from my doctor, not that it wouldn’t be the first time a doctor gave inaccurate or outdated info, but it still carries more weight for me over a random person online
Edit: I get why your doctor would recommend that though. While vaccine records are nice and tidy now in epic EMRs preserved for many years to come for those of us born in the 80s and 90s records are mostly on paper (and at this point likely destroyed). So if you’re over 30 but under 50ish and in that window where you would’ve gotten the good vaccine but not had it documented well it may be easier to just get it again to be sure. This is a bit lazy though as immunity status can be verified with a titer test. However, this may not be economical, I assume the cost of the vaccine is much cheaper for most people with things like high deductible health plans or those who are uninsured
Thanks, I read through it and it makes sense now, though I’m not sure how much we can trust CDC info currently, but it doesn’t look like it’s been modified (yet) to be crazy
I’m def in that window, so that’s probably why that or the whole “unless there’s an outbreak” part, which is why I asked him about it in the first place lmao
It hasn’t been (obviously) modified but the issue is the lack of updated guidance, like telling people to get vaccinated if they have not or telling people who got vaccinated with an inactive vaccine or a single course and live in high risk areas to get a booster (which again is probably why your doctor brought it up)
There is no recommendation for a catch-up program among adults for a second dose of MMR (e.g., persons born before 1989 or otherwise).
Doesn’t this mean there isn’t a need for a new dose for low-risk adults? Or does an outbreak mean everyone is no longer low-risk?
If you were a person who got vaccinated prior to 1989 before the mmr recommendation was a second dose 28 days later and you never had a life event that caused you to get your vaccines updated in the interim (eg becoming a healthcare worker, moving into a dorm, etc)
If you live in a high risk area and only got the single dose vaccine you should get a booster. The single dose vaccine is 93% effective and the two shot is 97%. The cdc has always had this as their guidance. Typically they would update their guidance in times of an outbreak but well, the government has kind of had a whoopsie with fascism
I would say, if you’re in a state it hasn’t reached yet, see about getting a titer test. You have time to wait for results and get the booster if needed. That’s my plan. I have a feeling I may have gotten a booster when I was trying to get pregnant, but it was so long ago the kid’s an adult.
It could be that your doctor gave you information that wasn’t wrong, but that applies specifically to you rather than generally.
This article is saying this:
“If you have been vaccinated with two doses of vaccine as per routine, you have a 95-plus percent chance of being completely protected throughout your life,” Schaffner says.
But public health experts say there are some adults who should consider getting revaccinated. That includes older adults who were born after 1957 and were vaccinated before 1968.
So it seems like people in the range of 57-68 should look into it?
Is that a US only thing? I had the MMR on Jan/89 in Mexico but they never told me that I needed a booster when they checked my records a couple of years ago. I only needed the TDaP and optionally the hepatitis B vaccines
Ivermectin Parties, sponsored by Clorox!
On March 2, Kennedy penned an op-ed for Fox News in which he appeared to endorse the measles vaccines, writing that the shots “not only protect individual children from measles but also contribute to community immunity, protecting those who are unable to be vaccinated due to medical reasons.” Yet in an interview last week, Kennedy claimed, without citing research, that treating measles with steroids, antibiotics, and cod liver oil yielded “very, very good results.” Cod liver oil contains Vitamin A, which is often used in much higher concentrations to prevent complications from the disease, including blindness. There is no credible evidence that cod liver oil itself can treat or prevent measles.
Fucking insane that this guy is the one actually listening to experts, like it’s a pretty low bar in this administration. But it’s still surprising he’s actually supporting vaccines, understands why they’re important, and is actually trying to convince Republicans of it.
This could be a lot worse if he hadn’t seen the light and doubled down on quack cures. If he sticks with vaccines over shit like CoD oil, it’s a good thing.
JFC, if this guy were to keel over, that very act would probably save so many lives.
So every medication besides the actual medication
I’m convinced the best solution to this problem would be to rename vaccines to something completely different and brand it as a natural remedy that the establishment is fiercely against. “A natural therapy that strengthens and heals your immune system. Ancient asian medicine rediscovered. Witches were burned at the stake in mediaeval Europe for treating people with it.”
That’s likely to work. Anything contrary to the norm basically. You could spin it as something the liberals don’t want you to know. The democrats are trying to stop you from being able to get the vaccine!
Wilful stupidity has a body count.
Snake liver oil would be more powerful.
That is being used too; oh… oh! You were being ironic
Darn! you got me.
Dude is killing people.
Dude is killing people again.
He’s already killed a bunch of kids with measles in Samoa back in 2019.
When you elect morons into office, you get dumb policies
How does this sort of stuff compare with the old ‘crackpot Chinese medicine!’ We’re regressing from modern medicine back to snake oil and miracle cures it’s obviously stupid it’s morbidly funny.
It’s funny because Chinese snake oil (made from Chinese water snakes) may have actually been effective for aches and soreness due to its high omega-3 content. Then, American charlatans got ahold of the “snake oil” idea and made it with “alternative” ingredients (mineral oil, maybe rattlesnake if you’re lucky) that did not convey the same benefits.
If RFK Jr. makes the problem worse, Trump will end up firing him in 2026 hahahaha
For Christ sake have they become a joke…