Some personal examples:
Dice forge has its way of handling dices that felt incredibly smart the first time I played it
Same for Codex Naturalis, I was impressed by the simple way they printed the cards to allow for modularity, obviously the game is a lot simpler than I thought but it gave me some interesting ideas with how to overlap cards
Or the boards in Fort that have this double layer so that you can nest your pizzas and toys in there, so cozy!
Innis has awesome art and the most unique tiles that are technically hexes.
The gears in Tzolkin make it such a unique game.
The entirety of Too Many Bones is awesome components. The massive over engineering leads to a fun experience. Neoprene mats with cutouts for dice, plastic cards and player aids, weighted poker chips for characters and baddies, and screen printed dice with tons of unique artwork.
Agreed, the Inis spiky-tiles and Tzolk’in gears are very striking features, that are enjoyable to handle.
Keen to try TMB but have not yet.