stop trying to give me an ultimatum, saying i’ll go to hell or that we can’t be friends if i don’t pray.
if i’m uncertain that god exists because there’s NO PROOF EITHER WAY for me.
i’m not a “perfect” straight christian woman like you are, i’m not going to change myself because my looks “tempt” men. i dress for me, not for men.
i don’t CARE if same-gender relationships are “sins” and you’ll go to hell. there are some pro-lgbt churches. i don’t care if “all women are for is to complement men and they’re inferior and they should only be with other men for that reason”.
this shit makes me so mad. i don’t have to be religious if i don’t want to be. there’s this one straight christian woman i know and she hates other women it’s so annoying, and she claims to support the lgbt but “doesn’t care about gay/trans rights”.
omfg shut up, there’s some actual kind christians despite me not being one myself, but these people obviously aren’t.
if you’re genuinely curious as to whether i pray, am christian/religious, or go to church, then that’s fine, but DON’T TRY TO FORCE ME. i thought christianity preached acceptance??
It doesn’t hurt my feelings. As I’ve said a couple of times, I live in a country with actual religious freedom where what those shitty people believe doesn’t effect me in any way. Their beliefs don’t prevent my gay friends from marrying and they don’t prevent my wife, daughter, and female friends from making decisions about their own healthcare without interference from shitty people who don’t know them.
There is a difference between pointing out that they are shitty people and having hurt feelings. It appears that the only people with hurt feelings in this conversation are those who are butt hurt because I pointed out that some modern Christians are horrible people.