stop trying to give me an ultimatum, saying i’ll go to hell or that we can’t be friends if i don’t pray.

if i’m uncertain that god exists because there’s NO PROOF EITHER WAY for me.

i’m not a “perfect” straight christian woman like you are, i’m not going to change myself because my looks “tempt” men. i dress for me, not for men.

i don’t CARE if same-gender relationships are “sins” and you’ll go to hell. there are some pro-lgbt churches. i don’t care if “all women are for is to complement men and they’re inferior and they should only be with other men for that reason”.

this shit makes me so mad. i don’t have to be religious if i don’t want to be. there’s this one straight christian woman i know and she hates other women it’s so annoying, and she claims to support the lgbt but “doesn’t care about gay/trans rights”.

omfg shut up, there’s some actual kind christians despite me not being one myself, but these people obviously aren’t.

if you’re genuinely curious as to whether i pray, am christian/religious, or go to church, then that’s fine, but DON’T TRY TO FORCE ME. i thought christianity preached acceptance??

  • Maple
    12 days ago

    If “Christians” had read and understood the Bible instead of just accepting what bad faith actors told them I bet they would probably be better Christians.

    Where I live is relevant since as an atheist I have actual religious freedom which means that the Christian prohibition against judging others does not apply to me. I am free to judge that false Christians are horrible people.

      12 days ago

      The problem is in understanding the bible. Christianity is an esoteric religion. A quick read is not going to get someone there. It is beyond most peoples range of knowledge. Eastern religions ( Buddhism, Hindu, etc ) make it clear that a teacher is needed to understand. In the west Christianity is a perverted false religion at this point and has been for a very long time. This has allowed for many “false Prophets” (which the same religion clearly warned against) to lead masses of people down a wrong path.