European company and employs a lot of people in Europe

Seems like they donated to Trump’s inauguration, do people know how much?

    23 days ago

    Unfortunately, as someone who relaxes with music and works best with music on the background, and who has a constantly rotating interest in terms of genre (I.e a lot of different genres on regular cycle), buying even the minimum amount of content directly to match my current setup and routine would take thousands of euros. I don’t really have that, and doing it piecemeal would introduce inconvenience in having to either pay subscription still, while buying up the albums and singles I want, or having a very limited collection for the first few years.

    Ugh. They’ve trapped me well.

    I have considered sailing the high seas for everything I can’t afford presently, and catching up with actually buying as I can, but I fear I might just get attached to the convenience of already having it all and using it as an excuse subconsciously not to prioritize paying the artist. While I use Tidal, I at least pay something to the artists…

    It’s a hard nut that needs cracking, but is simply too hard to easily just do.