The main image in post was decoded with WXtoIMG as both noaa-apt and SatDump fail to synchronize it correctly.

Unprocessed image from noaa-apt:

Compatibility image link


Compatibility image link
There you can see some breaks, the noticeable horizontal lines.

Which sounds like so (note: the waterfall shown above isn’t from the same time as audio):

Compatibility audio link

And the bonus, DSB images:

Compatibility image link
Channels 1-20 are left-to-right then bottom.

And also AVHRR scan motor current as of today:

Compatibility image link

  • Thomas DouwesM
    31 year ago

    Another interesting thing I noticed about these broken APT images is the channel B sync marker is repeated twice instead of the channel A marker. This is why the sync fails, and it makes a “tick tick” sound instead of the “tick tock” sound it normally makes.
    I’d love to know what is causing this, but I think only NOAA knows what is going on with that.

  • Thomas DouwesM
    21 year ago

    You should try satdump for the DSB, it can make some nice HIRS composites.

    The scan motor current seems to be dropping, maybe it will fix itself again.

    • u/lukmly013 💾 (
      21 year ago

      That is from SatDump, I just put it together in JointPics.
      In this case there wasn’t anything interesting looking, at least with the pre-set composites. But to be honest, I am not sure how to use that properly. Also what’s with the vertical lines with NOAA-15? When I tried NOAA-19 I got OK results

      (Channel 20)

      • Thomas DouwesM
        1 year ago

        That’s really strange, I checked my HIRS images from NOAA 15 and I don’t have any vertical lines, was there any nearby interference?
        It only works in day, but ch20, ch20, ch20 + ch8 * 0.1 seems to make a nice natural looking colour composite on HIRS. It’s a bit hard to see because of how low res the HIRS is, but it makes the land green and the oceans a dark blue.
        My HIRS from that pass (low elevation here):

        • u/lukmly013 💾 (
          21 year ago

          Nope. I also had those lines when I tried before, so I thought it’s something with the satellite. Maybe there is some interference. NOAA-19 uses different frequency for DSB. I’ll have to try with NOAA-18 (and hope it doesn’t cut off again), that should be on same frequency as NOAA-15. But I didn’t notice any interference.

          Thanks for that setting. That looks nice.

    • Thomas DouwesM
      1 year ago

      Also, The top right of your APT image is very interesting, some of the actual corupted data seems to be getting into the APT

  • ChaoticNeutralCzech
    1 year ago

    Wow, nevedel som, že satelity ešte stále vysielajú analógovo. Miliarda ľudí si musela vymeniť televízny prijímač a tisíce meteorológov stále ladí SSTV…

    A čo sú tie zubaté šikmé hrany v horných rohoch obrazu?

      • ChaoticNeutralCzech
        1 year ago

        To je mi jasné, digitální vysílání bude několikanásobně efektivnější. Ale tyhle věci slyším poprvé: ten skener je pohyblivý optický senzor? Ty data o motoru jsi získal jak? Satelit je vysílá jako digitální hodnoty ve stejném pásmu?

        Edit: Holy shit, NOAA-15 je jen 25 let starý. Tou dobou už přece existoval JPEG!

        • u/lukmly013 💾 (
          11 year ago

          Telemetria pochádza s tadiaľto:
          Myslím že je to vysielané v DSB downlinku v rovnakom pásme.

          JPEG mohol existovať, ale musela by sa vymeniť existujúca technika. Tieto satelity vysielajú aj HRPT, digitálne vysielanie v pásme L so 4x vyšším rozlíšením než APT v 5 kanáloch namiesto dvoch.
          Info o príjme HRPT

          JPEG kompresiu v pásme 137MHz využíva LRPT. LRPT aktuálne vysiela len Meteor-M No. 2-3 ktorý má bohužiaľ poškodenú anténu, takže signál je dosť kolísavý.

        • u/lukmly013 💾 (
          1 year ago

          By the way, do you see my other reply under this (your) comment? I correctly set the comment language to Slovak, so it’s possible it got filtered out if you don’t have it in the Lemmy language settings.

          It’s not even a good comment though (mine).

  • ChaoticNeutralCzech
    11 year ago

    Does the embedded audio work for anyone? I think it’s not even an official Lemmy/Markdown feature.

    • u/lukmly013 💾 (
      21 year ago

      It works in the default Lemmy web UI. I tried it with Opera (Android) and Firefox (Manjaro). It relies on the browser’s media player.

      There’s still the link below it, for when it doesn’t work, which I expect from most Lemmy clients and probably Kbin too.

      • ChaoticNeutralCzech
        11 year ago

        Oh, I didn’t check if the compatibility link is any different, I assumed it was the same.

        Of course you cannot embed an external site in a comment but the raw file does seem to work, in browsers at least.