• corbin@awful.systems
    26 days ago

    Reading through the docket, he is entitled to a hearing for relief and has a modicum of standing due to the threat of deportation from the USA to China; it’s not unreasonable to go to federal court. The judge was fairly courteous in referring him to the Pro Se Project a week ago. I’m a little jealous of how detached he is from reality; from 36(a) of the Amended Complaint:

    The Plaintiff asserts that completing a Ph.D. in Health Services Research significantly increases earning potential. The average salary for individuals with such a Ph.D. is $120,000 annually, compared to $30,000 annually in China, where Plaintiff’s visa cancellation forces him to seek employment. Over an estimated 30-year working career, this represents a lifetime income loss of $2,700,000.

    He really went up to the judge and said, “your honor, my future career is dependent on how well I prompt ChatGPT, but statistically I should be paid more if I have a second doctorate,” and the judge patted him on his head and gave him a lollipop for being so precocious.