“Is our children learning?”
Not anymore, thanks to this guy
Americans are struggling to put food on their families
They got the punctuation wrong. It should be “No, child left behind”
Alright, in what realistic situation can this be used as a reaction meme? (I’m not going to take it down because I don’t care anymore.)
I saw it used to call people dumb on r/nba. I know it’s a stretch, though
Oooh, now I can see it. Now it fits in my eyes.
I’ll stay away from political stuff like this in the future, I didn’t mean to start a whole conversation about NCLB.
elon musk leaving his kid behind as he left the stage lol
It’s 2012 and you’re the UK prime minister? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-18391663
That’s just an obscure meme. You wouldn’t use it as a reaction to something that you can commonly use.
No child left behind + social media algorithms are why the younger generations are mostly dumb as hell and intellectually incurious. It’s not their fault their parents raised them as iPad babies and their government lowered their education standards.
modern administration be like
Alright Lemmy: Edumacate me on why No Child Left Behind is bad.
I’ve heard things about Catch 22s and such where struggling schools that have low funding can’t get more funding because they’re a struggling school, but is that all that’s wrong with it?
It lowered education standards and tied funding to kids passing classes, so pretty much an entire generation (two? at this point - z and alpha) passed classes they wouldn’t have before. As a result you have kids graduating high school who can’t read or do basic math.
Half the country reads below a sixth grade level and a fifth of the country is functionally illiterate. This is intentional. A stupid gullible population that’s intellectually stunted, incurious, and fed a constant diet of propaganda via billionaire owned social media is going to do whatever their rulers want them to do and not put up a fight or any resistance at all. There’s a reason they funded STEM and defunded art and the humanities - they wanted the “smart ones” to be smart enough to work the machines but too dumb to question anything as to why. See the rise of technofascism for an example of what that leads to. The tech industry is full of know nothing geniuses who know how to code but don’t have any context as to why what they’re doing is wrong.
Idiocracy was supposed to be a comedy but it looks like it was prescient.