Excellent series, just finished season 1.

Great pacing and acting. Got into the social politics on the field, and added in some cartel spice.

Toward the end of season 1 there was a bunch of unnecessary relationship drama, but still great overall.

Billy Bob Thornton really sells this series.

  • Scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech
    1 month ago

    “lack of better options” IS propaganda my friend. They’re saying there is some line in the sand where they will acknowledge that green energy is better, without ever saying it.

    It’s a common excuse, that green energy isn’t perfect it must be bad. It doesn’t matter that it removes 80% of the emissions, it’s 100% or nothing, that’s the standard they set. No options will ever be perfect, so they can keep people thinking that it’s moral to keep using oil. It’s not.

    Not to mention that the “facts” they tout in the series are just plain wrong.