Random thought on magic squares:

If I view the smallest possible non-trivial magic square

2 7 6
9 5 1
4 3 8

since its rows and diagnoals sum up to 2+5+8 = 2+7+6 = 4+5+6 = 2+9+4 = … = 15

in the article as a 3x3 Matrix, its determinant is Δ = -360 . Its inverse:

-37/360 19/180 23/360
17/90 1/45 -13/90
-7/360 -11/180 53/360

note how this is a magic square, rows and diagonals sum up to 1/15.


Now if you are really bored (I can not do this): proof that for any non trivial magic squares the inverse …

  • exists (i.e. every non-trivial magic square has an inverse)
  • is a magic square.