There were not enough time to get anything at all, not even your phone, keys, or wallet, you have nothing besides your clothes and any disability aids (like glasses, hearing aids, etc.). Anything that can’t sustain one hour of burning will be destroyed. All living beings are safe.

Things to thing about: money, sentimental stuff, journals, books, hard drives / digital data, and all of the time and effort you spend organizing your bedroom.

  • Hazel『They/Them』
    28 days ago

    Absolutely everything, so many things with emotional attachment that’ll I’ll never be able to replace because I don’t make much money. I have cloud backups of my PC so at least all of that will be recoverable.

    But a childhood friend lives in the same complex as me so I guess I have a couch to sleep on, and can order a new bank card from his computer at least.

    Aaaaand thankfully he has a couple of my important backup 2fa recovery things stored at his place so even without my phone I can get access to my email and bank account.