Embarrassingly bad dunking with hobnobs. Rich tea will last 5 times as long in the dunk. They’re better with butter as well and you get more per packet. And healthier, if that’s your thing.
Nor should you need sugar syrup to flavour your pale oat cake, your insipid squashed flapjack. Rich Tea makes tea better and tea makes rich tea better. It is and always will be the king.
This is unfair. It’s like those deals for new customers only, while the rest of us have to slum it with rich teas.
Feddit.uk customer satisfaction is run by a major telco provider.
Rich tea are a better biscuit than hobnobs. I’ll die on that hill.
Not better than chocolate Hobnobs surely…
If I could only have one or the other for the rest of my life, I’d choose rich tea.
Shots fired!
Embarrassingly bad dunking with hobnobs. Rich tea will last 5 times as long in the dunk. They’re better with butter as well and you get more per packet. And healthier, if that’s your thing.
Lordy. Plain digestives for dunking as Ma’am (God rest her soul) intended.
You shouldn’t need to dunk a biscuit to make it edible. Just buy a better biscuit to begin with.
Nor should you need sugar syrup to flavour your pale oat cake, your insipid squashed flapjack. Rich Tea makes tea better and tea makes rich tea better. It is and always will be the king.
Actually the only thing that I agree with the Americans about is the only thing that improves tea is salt water.
Blimey, I wasn’t expecting all this drama in a welcome to the welcome community. My fault for mentioning biscuits.