Real talk, imho.

Video is 18 minutes and 26 seconds, in case you want to know the time before watching it (I know this helps people decide on whether to watch a video or not so I always remember to say the time of each one I post, generally)

  • dualmindblade [he/him]
    610 months ago

    Idk about Sabine, I can get past disagreeing with some of her takes but then saw a video that basically made fun of people saying there has to be new physics, accusing them of fishing for funding, then she proceeds to explain why there does have to be new physics, not sure I can take any more. Like I get she her opinion is they’re looking in the wrong place, she seems to think they’re taking more than their fair share of a finite supply of grant money but that’s not really how it works. This isn’t the first time she’s complained about others getting money either, it’s one of her standard talking points, like some kind of science version of fiscal conservative. I’m happy to see experimentalists being funded at all, if it’s real science I’m not complaining, 9 billion dollar moon shots make me happy what can I say? How bout instead of ragging on other scientists everyone gets money and we take it from the pentagon budget and taxing the rich

    • GnastyGnuts [he/him]
      510 months ago

      Best case scenario she just goes over what she fucked up when trying to learn about trans people.

    • Pluto [he/him, he/him]OP
      10 months ago

      OH DAMN

      I certainly hope not.

      She tends to be centrist, but she’s no right-winger, from what I understand of her views.

      She just takes a very centrist approach to videos on social issues and social topics; I was dissapointed, for example, with her recent mental health video.

      I only liked her videos after I read Lenin’s Materialism and Imperio-criticism essay, which I highly recommend (best work by Lenin, imho).