I cannot recommend this one highly enough. It is, somehow, every single classification of B movie combined in a single coherent whole, each one allowed to shine fully in its turn, without detracting from the others or becoming disjointed. It combines:
- Idiot buddy comedy
- Raunchy teen comedy with tons of nudity for no reason
- Cheap Western karate martial arts B-movie
- Cannibal cultist cheap horror movie with zombies
- Shlock action movie with guns and bazookas
It is the ultimate. It is the pinnacle. Watch the fuck out of this movie.
This seems perfect, I am stoked. Thanks!
Genuinely entertaining! With appearances from Cameron Mitchell and Hope Holiday – both connected to Space Mutiny (which Mitchell starred in and Holiday produced).
One of Edward Murphy’s two directing credits, the other being Heated Vengeance (which is fun but not as good, in my opinion).
Seriously. It’s not even a case of “so bad it’s good,” although it is far from objectively a good movie. It’s just… fun. It’s a B movie, done to excellence. You get what you came for.
Edit: I can’t stress enough how good this movie is. Is the chief bad guy Hitler? He really seems like he’s Hitler. Is that why the rapist has a random swastika painted on the front of his World War 1 army helmet? Why does maybe-Hitler consistently wield a bazooka in situations where it’s not the appropriate weapon? You’ll have to watch to find out. The answer to all is “because it is awesome.” It also has an absolute commitment to perfection to the Chekhov’s gun principle. Every time some character says some random thing, like when they’re clearly on a tiny pacific island and he calls the Pacific Ocean “the lake,” there’s a reason for it and there will be a payoff later.
Found the trailer on archive.org: https://archive.org/details/sinema-trailer_raw-force
There’s… a lot going on in that movie poster. So much so that the man in the bellbottoms and high heel boots shooting an AK right at me is the least interesting.
- I’ve heard that adblocking works on tubi, this might be a good chance to test it out: https://tubitv.com/movies/100007003/raw-force (edit: not available in the EU?)
- other corporate streams: https://www.justwatch.com/us/movie/raw-force
This movie is amazing. I watched it two or three times and it never fails to entertain.
Haha I gotta check this out