I have a one-shot LARP coming up in a few months and the character I was given dresses sort of punk/metal, with some flexibility. Character is supposed to be physically imposing.

Anyone have pointers on where to start? I have a kickass modern black kilt with purple tartan kickpleats, which I think I’ll use as a foundation. What can I add on?

I’m thinking ear cuffs, a torn, vintage band t-shirt, and a denim jacket. Chunky black boots if I can find any that don’t use natural rubber in their soles or adhesive :p .

Limitations: I don’t have any piercings or tattoos, and I’m not getting them for this role. I’m allergic to latex, gold, and nickel. I don’t want to spend too much on something I won’t use again. Hair is currently shoulder length. I am a white non-binary millennial, but the character is of unset gender.

I’m also interested in store suggestions, especially for non-pierced ear and face jewelry. I’m drowned in options and I don’t know which are honest about their materials. I’m in the United States.

  • grysbokOP
    2 months ago

    Awesome, thanks. Thinking more about my character I think the costuming hint/direction is so that I contrast with the other, more goth, characters in the larp. I’m getting a handle on what direction to go in and a trip to the thrift store is planned for the weekend :)