This is going to be fun watching over the next four years. LOL. You just gotta laugh.

    3 months ago

    I grew up drinking raw milk because we were milking 50 head of cows every day. Why make a 50 mile round trip to buy something we 500 gallons of right there in the yard. No one died or even got sick from it. Is it better for you? I don’t know or care. It’s what we had and the price was right. And it’s VERY unlikely any of you would actually want to drink it. And this includes the magahats also. It tastes nothing like the stripped down and flash pasteurized milk you are used to.

    That said, for the commercial milk you buy and drink, it’s an absolute must to pasteurize the milk. It’s going to take a week for that milk to get from the dairy to your refrigerator and you expect it last another week or two. And so food safety demands it.

    In any case, it’s not illegal to drink raw milk. You just can’t sell it to other individuals. If you want raw milk all you need do is to simply get your own cow and milk it. Then you can drink it all you want.