Yet another case of just because you can…
Why even look at the numbers at all? Just make it a meshtastic thing that you hook up to the car’s battery. Or maybe a AAA battery thing that is solar powdered and you stick it to your windshield.
A subscription fee for a fucking license plate? We already have that, it’s called registration.
That’s the only reason I can think you’d want a digital license plate, to change it on demand.
Its just e-waste.
Digital license plate
I understand the words, but the phrase makes no fucking sense whatsoever.
What is the point of a digital license plate anyways?
If it can malfunction, it can be replaced.
Replacement costs money.
The spice must flow.
So a cop can remotely disable your plate, then finr you for not having a plate.
Easy revenue!
Imagine a digital plate being a vulnerability. I’m shocked.
You can also 3D print a regular plate, but at least that doesn’t change on demand.