Sorry, I missed unlocking this one. Feel free to post.
welcome back!
Thanks! It is kind of my passion atm to make a solid community based around video editing tools that are free (both as in beer, and speech) for everyone. While my art doesn’t involve really good art about a technomage and a pessimistic fish (the best thing ever), I do try to make people laugh.
Editing to add: I though this was in the video editing community, but it still applies.
the will to
artcreate content manifests in many ways. Let us not succumb to comparisons. We do what we can to keep the minds entertained and the eternal wheel of the machine in the sky spinning.
What is the reason for the first rule in the sidebar, requiring 25 FPS? Most movies and TV shows that we’d use as source material are just below 24 FPS anyway, right?
I mean, it’s kind of a loose thing. It is mostly there to keep people from uploading 10 fps stuff, since the goal is, well, high quality. I don’t think I’d remove something for being 1 fps off.