I need to replace my 5 year old laptop this summer for the fall semester and I’ve decided that instead of a new computer I should just upgrade to a tablet. I’ve always loved the iPad mini for its size. It’d be extremely portable and I would honestly get a lot more use out of it other than just school work, but I’m nervous about having to type notes or papers with it for how small it is. I’ve considered the Air because it’d be easier to use it as a computer, I know I could write papers and type/write notes easily with an Apple Pencil. It would be a great school computer, but I don’t know if I would use it casually like the mini. I’d love to buy both but can’t afford that. Which one would be better?
Air. You want the screen real estate. Also, while it is super nice, it is not a laptop replacement. You will be missing laptop functionality if you only have a tablet.
Although it also depends on what kind of laptop functionality they need. If they’re only doing things like typing, or writing notes/looking at PDFs/Emails, they might be able to get away with just an iPad.
If they’re doing anything more complicated with it, such as if they’re studying anything that uses software (maybe they need to do data processing), they might have more trouble.
If they need to do anything with spreadsheets, it’s usually better to just have a computer for it. The mobile and web versions of Excel just aren’t as good as the actual software version, since they lack things like keyboard shortcuts, or some feature functionality that isn’t available as an app, whether a mobile, or a web app.
Spreadsheets and word processing are just not the same on a tablet. Don’t get me wrong, you can do a lot with an Air. But when it comes to writing papers etc for school, you still need access to a real computer. Maybe there’s a computer lab that can be used for those instances.
@lhx @T156 another possibility is remote login, when I was at uni, I’d hop on citrix regularly from whichever device I happened to be on, mainly so i could print from the uni printers but it ran any other app my account had access to on the lab thin clients as well.
I mainly need it just for notes, pdf textbooks, and writing papers on google docs
Even then I’d consider something like a used M1 MacBook Air. iPad user interface and screen sizes are limiting.
As someone who has both an M1 MacBook Air and an M1 iPad Air I’d say if possible get the MacBook as you’ll almost certainly get more out of it.
That said the iPad Air is a great device when paired with the Apple Pencil 2, GoodNotes 5 and a Bellemond Matt screen protector (it makes writing feel nicer).
I’d always choose a laptop over a tablet though personally.