• CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Turns out, a lot of consumer mood is literally just people’s social media feeds. Even if prices go up and QoL goes down, on average, consumers might feel better simply because Trump being in office makes them feel good.

    Well, we just were told that nearly all economic indicators pointing to a good economy was not “really” good because people just weren’t feeling it. Even if things were actually better. Sure, not everyone is invested in stocks, so that’s not really saying much and people don’t really see how things like GDP are going to help them make ends meet. Understood. But nearly everything was turned around, or turning around, under Biden.

    Still not good enough - the Democrats apparently did nothing for the price of eggs so voting for donvict was going to make things “better”, even if they really won’t. And now a whole lot of dipshits are saying everything is better, even though donvict is not in office yet. WTAF.


    • brucethemoose@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      It’s even simpler than that, it’s people being told what to think.

      I think “people” speaking very generally used to not read a ton of news, heard stuff from the grapevine, and so on. “Elites” and news junkies had somewhat more monolithic sources.

      And that’s not true anymore. Nearly every “average” person’s life is now dominated by a personalized feed, a podcast, TV, radio, chatroom, whatever, and it’s having an outsized influence compared to their observations of reality now.

      It’s my belief that there’s basically nothing Biden could have done to alter this (other than regulating algorithms, and it’s far too late) and ultimately it’s the DNC’s fault for “taking the high road” and not playing the propaganda game.