• Allonzee@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    All people’s nationalities are made up.

    Just like all nation state borders.

    Just like all religions.

    Hell, someone pulled your vaunted, family crest owning last name directly out of their asshole at some point in your ancestry. It’s all just ego stroking bullshit.

    The problem, as always, is that people take these made up bullshit designations seriously, to the point of mass murder.

    We are all actually the same species, capable of similar highs and lows of emotion, of pain, of hunger.

    Too bad most everyone refuses to start and end with that, because if we’re all equally deserving of empathy and resources, how can I get mooooooaaaaar than those other people I’m clearly better than? Because my Parents, President, and Priests said I deserve more than those bad people that live in the wrong place and suck the wrong imaginary friend’s imaginary dick.