The linked report comes directly from the BW state parliament.

The ID card serves to monitor stateless people who are under the … law … of the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG), in the status of an stateless.

All people are stateless without the documentary proof of a nationality in the form of a national certificate or persons who cannot present an internationally recognized proof of their descent until before 1914.

They have an identity card or passport that does not show any existing citizenship, and are therefore classified as stateless people in accordance with Art. 5 Para. 2 EGBGB and treated by us.

Despite the possible cancellation by the Allies since 1945, the ID card has been retained in order to grasp stateless people with nationality German, to monitor, search, search, and to export them through taxes and taxes.

These people can also be arrested and persecuted. The stateless person of the FRG administration and thus our local administration in Freiburg-Kappel has submitted through the voluntary application for the ID card.

In order for this to succeed and as a guarantee of enforcing the allies’s rights, I was employed as a CDU occupation recipient with the modern name local administrator to enforce the rights of the Allies.


With the “Ordinance on Key Cards” of July 22, 1938, a first general identification obligation was established in Germany.

It is a somewhat uncomfortable thought that the answer to the child question, why adult people have to have an ID card in this country, rather with the National Socialist Minister of the Interior Dr. iur. Wilhelm Frick (1877–1946, executed) will be found as the prominent philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724–1804)

We as the local administration therefore require a passport photo, a fingerprint and a signature from all stateless people and then issue you a ID card for stateless people in accordance with Art. 27 of the Convention on the Stateless from 1954.

The requesting stateless person is also obliged to pay the costs.

By returning the ID card to us that we have to acknowledge, the submission under the occupation rights expires. Submit an application for a declaration, the application documents of which you can download here, and thereby become the stateless, which means lawlessly, to the national with internationally recognized rights.

Download the application documents on the following link.