“With membership at new lows and no electoral wins to their name, it’s time for the Greens to ditch the malignant narcissist who’s presided over its decline.”

  • bloodfart@lemmy.ml
    5 months ago

    Wait, my vote for PSL won’t be counted for trump so how do I enable trump?

    I’m also literally talking about voting not staying home, so idk what you mean by showing up to vote.

    Pushing the democrats left has never worked in my lifetime and possibly ever. It’s especially dubious when the democrat candidate has carved out explicitly right wing dare I call them fascist positions on the border, Gaza and elsewhere.

    As I’ve said elsewhere, I’m a big hater of the greens. You don’t have to convince me that they’re a directionless triangulation meant to make money.

    • buddascrayon@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      Pushing the democrats left has never worked in my lifetime and possibly ever.

      Several very progressive candidates are currently serving in Congress now. And Bernie Sanders is now on several powerful senate committees that have the influence to make real changes. But he needs backup. They all do. And neither the the green party nor the PSL are going to provide that. Because they have literally no one in any office in Washington.

      So yeah, your vote is as ineffective as if you didn’t bother voting. So I treat it as though you didn’t bother voting. But in the media you’re going to be part of that statistic that sits over to the side of the screen pointing out all the people who could have helped Kamala Harris win if she ends up losing to Trump. Which I really hope she doesn’t but this race is far closer than I would prefer. Which is why I am, quite frankly, very angry at people like you. Because instead of helping you give us sophistry.

      • bloodfart@lemmy.ml
        5 months ago

        Wow, those “progressive” (scare quotes to indicate that it’s your description, not that they’re not progressive, whatever that means) candidates must be really shifting the democrats left! Why I bet their presence on committees is causing the democrats to take very far left positions with regard to the genocide and the border!

        Oh, they’re not causing any such thing? The Harris campaign is shifting rightward to try and pick up trump voters?

        Must have been the wind and not over fifty years of party policy…

        If PSL or some other group needs people in Washington, how would you recommend they get them? Perhaps we could vote them in?

        Surely a vote towards getting those groups the people in Washington they need couldn’t be considered ineffective?

        But if my vote is so ineffective then why do the democrats need it? Surely they can get by without my weak, statistically insignificant, ineffective vote!

        I genuinely hope that there’s a huge third party turnout and the media does highlight it. How great would it be to have the democrats execute a real turn towards leftist policy because they know that they need those voters?

        If you really want to feel angry: I will personally probably never vote democrat again. That’s not a recent change, last time was ‘12 and even then I was avoiding specific figures like Biden. There’s still a chance that they could develop a little history of not baiting and switching on left policies and run a platform I’d be willing to support within my lifetime, but I don’t see it happening.

    • Socialist Mormon Satanist@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      Dude, it’s not about the Greens. It’s that this sub hates all of us who aren’t voting for Harris. They’ll accuse of wanting Trump to win, of being trolls, etc.

      All because we aren’t voting for the Duopoly. Good to see another socialist voter!

      Stay strong, brother.