Ah, yes, the Bible on learning XYZ the right way. But I can only see such titles as suggesting the inner content is antithetical to communicating something clearly, concisely and in a way that doesn’t leave the learner with even more questions.

  • FuglyDuck@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    It became so only in that Jews and subsequently early Christian’s would refer to their scriptures as “the book” or “the holy book”. Bible comes from the Greek by way of Latin, “biblia”

    It’s in the same vein as, say, Pentecostal evangelists referring to it as “The Good Book”, or “The Good Word”.

    Keep in mind, for a very long time, the only book many Jews or Christian’s were likely to see on anything approaching a regular basis was indeed scripture- and that remained true until Gutenberg did his thing.

    (It should be noted that literacy in the first century was generally low. There was some instruction if you attended synagogue, and specifically were looking to become a rabbi. This is also true in Roman and Greek societies.)