Sources say Kennedy is leaning toward endorsing former President Trump.

    6 months ago

    I finally figured it out. Fucking genius.

    It was never about taking blue votes, or at least that wasn’t Plan A(Might have pivoted to that when Biden slumped, but I’ve found the pattern).

    It was about wiping out the small right wing parties. The ones who nominated guys like Rocky De Le Fuente or Roseanne, usually get 4th or 5th place among third parties. They all rallied around RFK Jr, and now it’s too late for them to get on the ballots or pick new candidates. It wipes the slate clean and leaves just the small leftist parties.

    And then the other move came into play. The Trump backed Mises Caucus seized the Libertarian Party and turned him hard right Paleo-Hoppean, but then they lost control of the leadership at the last second leading to a Leftist Libertarian taking over. Half the party left in protest and joined Trump. The right wing Libertarians have been secured.

    And the centrist Libertarians? The ones who didn’t like the Mises Caucus, but thought Chase was too progressive? They all went to RFK Jr…they’ve just been double filtered. Now they’ll all get a second chance to defect to Trump(shoring up the margins a bit, an extra few hundred votes here and there), and even if they don’t being in RFK Jrs sphere that long kills any shot of them voting Harris, so at worst they stick with Chase or don’t vote. Oh and all that chaos further weakened the Libertarians. Between that and RFK and West they weren’t even polling Top 5.

    So just two actions(Promoting RFK enough that he got all the small right wing parties and drew in some Biden voters: then backing the Mises Caucus enough for a takeover, but not enough to stop the counter-takeover and then encouraging an exodus to Trump) wiped out almost all the right wing third party support and double funneled many of them (once through the Mises exodus, once through RFK Jr’s endorsement) to Trump. That basically just leaves the Constitution Party, who are busy having a party civil war and are at their weakest in decades.