Running out of reality to blame, they got to make stories.

    7 months ago

    Look, like a lot of things - this works great on paper.

    However, reality is a whole different beast.

    This doesn’t “minimize” the burden of responsible owners.

    A responsible owner wouldn’t ‘need’ insurance in the 1st place, so any premium they pay would be a burden.

    Plus - just look at insurance rates.

    I guarantee you that little old black lady who has never been in a car accident is still paying more than the little old white lady who lives next door and also has been in an accident.

    Nevermind that rich folk technically don’t even need to pay for insurance because there are multiple loopholes those with money can access.

    Its the same ole shit - nickle and dime the less fortunate while bending over backwards to let the rich get richer.