The Illinois Supreme Court found the state’s assault weapons ban constitutional. It was passed after the Highland Park shooting last year.

  • Tb0n3
    011 months ago

    Of course they would. The highest rate of gun crime is high gun restriction states.

    2A says Shall not be infringed, and a ban on a certain kind of arm sure sounds infringing.

    • theodewere
      011 months ago

      maybe you’ve never been to a city, or don’t understand what it’s like to live around a lot of people

      • Tb0n3
        011 months ago

        I’m glad as fuck I don’t love around a city because apparently it means I have a much much higher chance of getting caught up in gang violence and shot. Why would I want to put up with that?

          • Tb0n3
            011 months ago

            How is it a dog whistle to acknowledge high rates of gang violence in cities? Is it suddenly not true because you think it’s racist?

            • theodewere
              11 months ago

              i know there are cowards out there who need to hide in the country with their guns, it’s okay son… there is still life in the city in spite of your fear… there’s even real people in the city who get along and everything, you should see it…

              • Tb0n3
                011 months ago

                I live in a very rural area but I’m in the fucking Bronx twice a week. I just don’t like it, not that I’m afraid of it. But what I’m trying to say is there are fundamental problems if there’s so many gangs creating such a high incidence of gun related fatalities. It’s not a problem of law abiding citizens or of not enough gun laws because criminals don’t obey laws in the first place. Gangs wouldn’t have it so easy if the populace didn’t turn a blind eye.

                • theodewere
                  011 months ago

                  and none of that has anything to do with assault weapons in Illinois… do you comprehend that?

    • JWBananas
      011 months ago

      The highest rate of gun crime is high gun restriction states.

      What does gun crime mean in this context?

      Does it mean crimes committed with a gun?

      Does it mean violations of gun laws? If so, is that normalized with respect to the stricter restrictions in those states?

      Is it normalized with respect to total population? With respect to population type (rural versus urban)?

      Is it possible that the states with more restrictions have done so because of the rates of those crimes?

      • Tb0n3
        011 months ago

        “Chicago’s homicide rate is an outlier among major U.S. cities. At a rate of 29 firearm homicides per 100,000 residents, it is six times higher than New York City’s and three times higher than in Los Angeles.”

        Illinois, and Chicago in particular, is the highest gun crime area in the US and guess what city has the most restrictive gun laws.

        • EnderofGames
          10 months ago

          Gun laws vary from state to state. In some U.S. states, there is virtually no gun regulation at all, like Montana and Alaska. On the other hand, some states have stricter gun legislation. Some of these states which have the strictest gun laws tend to be those which are most populous and have a larger urban community, those who are residing in cities compared to those in rural areas. Take California for example, which has the strictest gun laws in the United States and has the seventh lowest rate of death by gun violence despite being the most populous state. Other states with some of the strictest gun laws include New York, New Jersey, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Hawaii, and Connecticut.

          Saying “Chicago has the most restrictive gun laws” is something I’ve heard passed around on FB before. It doesn’t surprise me that gang violence and random gun violence happens in more populated areas, and that cities and densely populated states would have crime and laws to match. But I’ve never seen evidence that Chicago is an outlier for gun laws as a city. I mean, the post here suggests that the “assault weapons ban” is new, so clearly the state hadn’t made any laws against semi-auto firearms, large calibre firearms, or large capacity mags until now (recently).