• jmcunxOP
      33 months ago

      I had a hard time getting into it too, but I got to it. So I will paste it in.

      From: https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/post/24552643 via https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/u/joes

      The number of participants stayed the same. There were 2722 more tournament games than last year, the proportion of all games played went up 6.6%. 9 fewer people ascended 13 fewer games, with a higher ratio of 2.9 asc/player. There was only 1 ascension in Fourk, Dyna and 1.3d. 81% of games were scummed, 58% of all scums that month, basically split 2:1 between 31PwnMoat (again) and hecatonheir (last year it was dedal). Medusa was killed 87 more times, again mostly by Valkyries, but also dwarven Anachrononauts. 3.7 was played even more, dnh gained 7 ranks (+3.9%p), Un lost 4th place to HackEM (-4.9%p), Splice stayed in 3rd place, Spork/Fourk were played least, but 1.3d shot up 4 ranks from last place. On the australian hardfought server 8x more games were played.

      And a comment from https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/u/joes

      Clan DeepCavernGoobs managed to break all conducts in 19 games. malor ascended 11 variants; Merlek killed Medusa 9 times, only ascended 4, but got a trophy in all 21 variants. Only Umbire ascended 1.3d (uncrowned). jonosmalls and smurphy ascended Unnethack (jono even without Elbereth [also in xnh], killing all Riders and Baalzebub). Splice: finitelycraig got the Bell, stoicjin the Luckstone. Spork: Muad got the Bell, bleeko entered Gehennom. Grunt: Merlek killed Medusa and got the Luckstone, hothraxxa finished Sokoban. hothraxxa ascended NH4 without killing Vlad and the Quest nemesis. Fourk: recuerdo ascended, fitsf killed Croesus. FIQ: oh6 escaped in celestial disgrace, Merlek splatted on the Planes, Umbire killed Rodney. hothraxxa ascended DynaHack, bleeko reached Gehennom. fitsf and malor ascended SLASH’EM, ocnda escaped in disgrace. disperse and malor ascended SlashTHEM. Dictyostelium entered the Quest in HackEM. anselmus and malor ascended AceHack, ais523 and recuerdo splatted on the Planes. Noisytoot killed Demogorgon in nndnh.