Corporal punishment remains legal, especially in the South. It still has its defenders. But the costs can be steep.

    351 year ago

    Isn’t it wild how people understand that using physical violence against another adult is bad, but then will still proudly use physical violence against the most vulnerable members of our society?

    • stopthatgirl7OP
      251 year ago

      Too many folks still firmly believe either:

      A) “spare the rod and spoil the child”
      B) I was spanked as a kid and I turned out ok, so it’s fine

        431 year ago

        To the second group, I always want to say, “No you didn’t. You turned out as someone who thinks hitting kids is acceptable.”

        • CIWS-30
          131 year ago

          Very true. I also find that that group B also includes many people who think violence in general is fine. Physical violence, social violence, even sexual violence. Abuse messes people up.

          • nickwitha_k (he/him)
            1 year ago

            And those that do not are always, in my experience, fucked up in some other manner that often makes them barely functional.

            EDIT: Tired brain did but use English effectively.

    181 year ago

    Absolutely insane.

    I can’t wrap my head around how some believe that physical punishment of a child is ok in any circumstances. At school, at home, anywhere. Doesn’t matter. Don’t hit children.

    It’s extremely primitive, and you’ve only shown your own desperation and inability to handle the situation. Find a better solution.

  • SeaJ
    121 year ago

    And it doesn’t work. Kids more wore it as a badge of honor when I was in elementary school in Louisiana.

    • Aren’t we glad that none of those kids sat their quietly taking it, waiting for years, found the adult’s address, every few years show up to their home.

        51 year ago

        When my family moved to another state in the 1990s, I ended up at a high school that desperately wanted to talk my parents into signing the permission slip for corporal punishment. The principal and assistant principal got involved and were very pushy.

        Finally Dad told them, with a heavy sigh: “You’re trying to tell me you need to hit someone who is more mechanically inclined than anyone I’ve ever known, and yet is just as vindictive, rebellious, and angry as any other 14 year old boy. He will retaliate, and it will be very expensive and difficult to prove.”

        And they never did get that form signed.

    1 year ago

    Conservatives fantasize and even brag about smacking kids’ butts and hearing them wimper.

    Conservatism and pedophilia are positively correlated. Never, ever trust a conservative to be alone with a child. Never.