Thought I’d throw in some black metal bands around the world, might be less known ones in the mix. Feel free to drop your own below!

Folk Black from Taiwan. Pretty fucking good band in my opinion. (And they got Kin Lin as a vocalist in 2021, everything that woman touches turns to gold, a bit like Taiwanese Dan Swanö) 暴君 - 明潭終戰 (engl. Bloody Tyrant - Final Battle at the Sun-Moon Lake)

Weird shit from Brunei, almost like doom black metal or smth.? Don’t know, but I like it. Noiratasya - …of Blashphemy, in Obscurity

More folky stuff from China this time. I don’t think Black Kirin is that underground, but it might be just me. Black Kirin - 黄河

Ok, have to include Finnish shit as well, just because I like that they sing (growl?) in Finnish instead of the usual English. Havukruunu - Pohjolan Tytär

And this one was seen coming from afar. Black Metal from Saudi-Arabia. Al-Namrood - Asdaa Al Dmar

Mongolian Katatonia that hasn’t decided if it got past Dance of December Souls or not. Not sure everyone would agree with the band that this is Black Metal anymore, but well, the band thinks it is and it does have old (mixed with new) Katatonia vibes. Karmantic - Evaporate

    2 years ago

    Templa in Cinere black metal from Colombia. Just heard this today by browsing youtube randomly, I first thought that this is something Finnish or atleast Scandinavian from the sound. Well, it is mixed in Stockholm, that maybe explains something. But even the lyrics are in… Spanish I guess?