Anything that you think is unpopular about balance, story, or just any changes you would like to see

Personally my biggest one might not even be controversial, but I don’t like shield gating being used as a primary method of survivability and I don’t like seeing people recommend it to new players when they reach the point where staying alive is a concern. I know it’s “optimal” for some frames but just feels cheesy to me.

    2 years ago

    My counter-take to yours = I find shield gating builds incredibly fun and love using/playing them. They bring together everything that is best about the game, combining the movement system and soft/hard crowd control into a speedy “can’t touch this” playstyle

    My otherwise hot take, is that in the current modern state of the game, the ever-enduring advice to newbies of “Get Rhino and Hek” is extremely boring, outdated, and unhelpful

    • Selkie210@lemmygrad.mlOP
      2 years ago

      I do think the push for telling noobs to play Rhino does have the issue of becoming a crutch, instead of learning how to dodge and stay alive they get used to invincibility and have to learn way later

        2 years ago

        The Iron Skin is definitely a part of it, but it’s also because the advice is too narrow/specific and makes a huge assumption about the interests or ability of the newbie. Of all the new players I’ve helped in the game, either real life friends/family who I convinced to play, or newbies I met organically while playing, absolutely none of them enjoy playing Rhino and very few of them enjoy shotguns. If I had been insistent that they must get this one frame and weapon because it was their “best” choice, they probably would’ve stopped playing

        I think it’s much better to ask people what their preferred playstyles are, and point them towards a few suitable options so they can decide for themselves. And it’s very important now to make new players aware of the Circuit, so they can keep an eye on the 3 cycling frames and grab something they like the look of that may be locked quite a bit further back in the starchart otherwise

        • Selkie210@lemmygrad.mlOP
          2 years ago

          That’s a smart way to go about it. I love shotguns and tanking, but when I helped out a buddy starting out he couldn’t stand Rhino. I’ve talked about circuit in another post, it really helps out the new player experience I think, just due to the accessibility of it and getting new frames.

          I appreciate your well thought out reply on this too, thank you

      2 years ago

      Zephyr+Xoris+kitgun might not be the fastest to get,but take you from deimos to basically SP.

          2 years ago

          I was a Zephyr player back when she was a mediocre CC tank, so I made a beeline for her when I restarted, and got my friends playing her too. I still remember how delighted one of my friends was when she got a 10k crit through the tornadoes with Xoris.

          She’s definitely a lot more rough to play on SP after Eximus Reborn, but man, you can’t argue with her dreamlike movement and ludicrous damage buffing. Easy carry through the whole star chart.

            2 years ago

            I played her for a long time due to just liking her theme and aesthetics. Even when Tornadoes were roaming only and Airburst was knock away only I had a lot of fun with her. The Tornadoes still worked then as they do now, just aiming down sights to direct them to groups of enemies was more important. I always thought her 3 was kinda bonkers, just like Revenant’s Mesmer Skin, but she was pretty slept on. Revenant likewise was slept on for a long time, but I guess in pre-SP days people cared a lot less about survivability and cared a lot more about damage and nuking

            The little rework she got was so great, just fixed everything up and brought so much QOL. My only lingering complaint is if her 1, when used for movement rather than hover, would get a similar treatment like Gauss’ dash where faceplanting a wall instantly cancels it so you don’t get an awkward second or two where you’re stuck

            The Eximus do pose her a bit of a threat, which is why Silence is my most commonly used subsume with her hahahaha. But with that and melee vulnerability I enjoy still having some threats while her 3 is up, unlike Revenant who gets super boring super fast

      • Selkie210@lemmygrad.mlOP
        2 years ago

        Any recommendations on kitguns? I’ve only just made 1 after hundreds of hours, secondary rattleguts, and it seems ok

          2 years ago

          Secondary Catchmoon is a pocket Arca Plasmor that force procs Impact (cough Hemorrage cough) and can take both the Primed Pistol Crit mods. Primary force procs Impact too, but is a Shotgun so can’t take Internal Bleeding.

          Primary Tombfinger is a Bramma if you squint really really hard (Charge up your shot to do a big AoE on impact)

          If you’ve got access to the Deimos Kitguns, they’re both actually nuts. Primary Vermisplicer is a Kuva Nukor/Tenet Cycron that has huge Slash weighting and innate Toxin, making Viral + Slash super easy to mod for and spray down a room with without trying to aim. Secondary Sporelacer is one of the few kitguns who’s Riven dispo is significantly worse than its primary form, because it’s that much more popular/busted. It blasts a huge spray of Toxin damage in an AoE, reminicient of how Kuva Zarr sprays a similar massive explosion.

          TheKengineer has a phenominal video on Youtube about each Kitgun type, and how to best build it (Primary vs Secondary, which other parts to use, etc) if you want to find out more. These are just the ones I found myself enjoying the most.

            2 years ago

            Secondary Gaze is incredible too. It’s a high crit heat ray with innate Radiation, so it legitimately just does everything (kills, stacks status with Encumber, pops bubbles). Except stack Cold on demos. It’ll kill them fine though if you have a slow or a root elsewhere on your kit. Empirically I’d say it’s about triple the DPS potential of the Tenet Cycron, although you lose being able to double up on Mag/Viral, and the effective range is 12m vs 30m if you’re doing a Splatmaker build.

            Still, it kills everything you point it at, and chains too. Absolutely incredible weapon. Basically the only secondary I use unless I’m running Hystrix for Disruption, or doing a theme set.