You can’t argue about morals, that requires empathy, understanding why someone might be feeling a certain way. Because only then you might understand that making fun of suicide is horrible.
Nobody has ever pushed suicide, the only people who push suicide are intolerant cunts like you.
Running from the argument means that I can see that you’re an irredeemable psychopath and I have more pressing matters to attend to in my life. You don’t fit into the busy schedule and I know you’ll painfully figure out how wrong you were.
If someone is pushing a kid to do an act that has 40% of the kid ending with a rope around his head and I am the one who is opposing it then I don’t see how I am promoting suicide
I don’t even understand what you’re trying to say here, first of all no one is pushing kids to go kill themselves except the people who make fun of those who are different and also make fun of people who do kill themselves. Though like said it takes empathy to see that, which you clearly lack.
I am trying to say that there is a certain group of people (the part of the left that promotes trans sexuality and those books with degeneracy in them) who pushes an act (becoming trans and ingesting castration chemicals) which has a big chance (40%) to result with suicide to kids.
So when you are promoting an act (changing genders or ingesting castration chemicals) that might lead to suicide later in the life to kids, there are people who think that this is acceptable.
First off, 40 is bullshit. There’s a dozen sources disproving your bullshit number. The only reason trans people commit suicide is because of cunts like you and every other right winger literally telling them they’re not allowed to exist as they please.
Not only that, but those “acts” you’re speaking of aren’t given to kids. Ooh you’re so gullible
Read it, your 40% number is about kids who already have gender dysphoria en haven’t received ANY gender conforming care. Ie. Not being accepted by cunts like you. When looking at gender conforming care and acceptance, suicide rate drops to normal levels.
Gender Conforming care or Enablement? I like heroin. I guess my drug dealer was just providing Addict Conforming care. :D I jest… don’t twist up your panties.
You can’t argue about morals, that requires empathy, understanding why someone might be feeling a certain way. Because only then you might understand that making fun of suicide is horrible.
I’m not making fun of suicide. I’m making fun of people who think that pushing suicide is ok.
Anyways. Running from argument means that you’re loosing
Nobody has ever pushed suicide, the only people who push suicide are intolerant cunts like you.
Running from the argument means that I can see that you’re an irredeemable psychopath and I have more pressing matters to attend to in my life. You don’t fit into the busy schedule and I know you’ll painfully figure out how wrong you were.
If someone is pushing a kid to do an act that has 40% of the kid ending with a rope around his head and I am the one who is opposing it then I don’t see how I am promoting suicide
I don’t even understand what you’re trying to say here, first of all no one is pushing kids to go kill themselves except the people who make fun of those who are different and also make fun of people who do kill themselves. Though like said it takes empathy to see that, which you clearly lack.
I am trying to say that there is a certain group of people (the part of the left that promotes trans sexuality and those books with degeneracy in them) who pushes an act (becoming trans and ingesting castration chemicals) which has a big chance (40%) to result with suicide to kids.
So when you are promoting an act (changing genders or ingesting castration chemicals) that might lead to suicide later in the life to kids, there are people who think that this is acceptable.
We make fun of those people.
First off, 40 is bullshit. There’s a dozen sources disproving your bullshit number. The only reason trans people commit suicide is because of cunts like you and every other right winger literally telling them they’re not allowed to exist as they please.
Not only that, but those “acts” you’re speaking of aren’t given to kids. Ooh you’re so gullible
Let me see those sources. And please don’t show me or give me “Trust me bro sources”.…
Read it, your 40% number is about kids who already have gender dysphoria en haven’t received ANY gender conforming care. Ie. Not being accepted by cunts like you. When looking at gender conforming care and acceptance, suicide rate drops to normal levels.
Forgot to mention that your source also proves the ≈40% number
It proves that you cause it.
So, basically, they all prove it’s you who causes it and it’s gender affirming care that solves it. Awesome job!
Gender Conforming care or Enablement? I like heroin. I guess my drug dealer was just providing Addict Conforming care. :D I jest… don’t twist up your panties.
You’re a pathetic waste of oxygen
laughs in Canadian
umm… what’s his name. Trudeau?
And no sources, again! I thought you guys were not retarded or something
its a mixture of 0 to full downs.
Why would anyone need to present sources for uncontested facts?
The MSM has reported on a number of events out of Canada.
Indeed it does, it is unfortunate that people in the world can be so cruel but that’s all the more reason we should stick up for others.