What is the one album you can be trapped on a desert island with for the rest of your life?
Primus - Sailing the Seas of Cheese
Counting crows august and everything
Oh dang! Classic.
The one that immediately comes to mind is Wolfgang Amadeus, by Phoenix.
What immediately comes to my mind is my “super party mix” mix tape so good on you
Oh dang!!
I’m still struggling to pick one. Lol
I can’t figure out if I’d want something with vocals to give me a sense of companionship, or something without vocals so it doesn’t drive me insane.
With vocals: Grateful Dead - Cornell 5/8/77
Without vocals: John Coltrane - Live at Village Vanguard
I’m torn on if I want a “favorite album” or a compilation/best of?
Hunky Dory - David Bowie
I’ll go with something current. ‘The Loveliest Time’ by Carly Rae Jepsen. People around me seem to like this album a lot…
For the rest, I’ll just bang some coconuts against each other to create sound. This way I’ll become the best tribute band for various classic works on the island. Everyone’s welcome!
Carbon Based Lifeforms - Hydroponic Gardens (definitely a Carbon Based album, but it’s a tough choice)
Neko Case, Middle Cyclone.
oh dang! Great album. It’s also a sonically diverse album. Great call!
Her voice! Knocks me out every time.
No doubt! Running out of Fools destroys me every time.
really hard to say, but the first one that jumped to mind is Miles Davis - Filles de Kilimanjaro
I always appreciated Davis, but never got into his work. Love jazz, but jazz-jazz? Tough one for me.
If you’re coming from a rock background you could check out In a Silent Way or A Tribute to Jack Johnson, and if you like those, go to Bitches Brew.
Yankee Hotel Foxtrot by Wilco
Such a good album.
Off the top of my head, Fleet Foxes - Fleet Foxes
Distinguishing Marks by Fingerprintz. I’ve been listening to that album since 1985 and it never got old.
…even though apparently I did
22, A Million
I’d have to go with the album that’s verbal instructions for how to build a two way radio out of a coconut and seaweed.
Incubus - Morning View