by Centurii-chan
Definitely a high calorie food.
French fries fried in cannabis oil 🤤
The stickiest french fries of all time
Also probably undercooked since the smoke point of the oil is far below what would be needed to fry potatoes. But, hey, just stand over the fryer and breathe deeply 👌
Sounds like me in Factorio ngl.
ngl i thought this was a factorio post at first 😅
It isn’t?! I was sure it’s engineer girl
Oooh! So, major oil spills are just big companies trying to help the ecosystem. This explains everything! Brb, gonna pour my unused medicine down the drain to help the TMNT.
When you pour motor oil in the water is makes a pretty rainbow and turns the river gay. Everyone should be doing it!
Who is the artist?
Centurii-chan! I’ll add that to the body
were out
All I can see
This would be funnier with TF2 characters
I don’t know about crude oil but purified oil tasted like expired salt
Always wear your hard hat when cooking
If God’s favorite cooking oil is petroleum, a comedian’s favorite cooking oil would be castor oil.
Read this in Power’s voice
You should try mazut
Now I’m wondering what an egg boiled in kerosene or mineral oil would taste like 🤔
but maybe the exposure will be too short and it will cook regularly apart from the difference from a different boiling temperature