Worth noting I encountered these liberal apologists within MONTHS of Biden taking office. The very day it came to light that he was opening even more concentration camps, there were liberal Democrats crawling all over reddit, tumblr, and twitter to explain why this was good ackshually.

Side note: Never listen when they say “now’s not the time to talk about this in an election year.” That’s a red flag that alerts you that you can safely discard anything else they say after that. They were saying that already in 2021.

  • KeriKitty (They(/It))
    2722 days ago

    I recall several times I went looking for news about the concentration camps at/for the southern border, even posted a few times in various places asking what was up, why they weren’t being talked about any more. Fuckin’ weird to me that “we” will collectively just forget about people (including kids, for those who value them more) dying in cages because “we” put them there. It’s not a fun topic, sure, but if we’re gonna be caring about things or pretending we do then that’s a pretty good one.

    The glaringly obvious fact that Joe is a murderous pile of crap doesn’t make Donald any better… but it’s still true. The absolute least one can do is acknowledge evil for what it is, no?

    • @winterayars@sh.itjust.works
      1522 days ago

      It’s not a fun topic but we talked about it a lot during the Trump years.

      The only response the Democratic Party has to criticism, for years now, is “what are you going to do about it, vote Republican?”

      • LinkOpensChest.wavOPM
        1122 days ago

        I literally demonstrated about it next to people who immediately turned anti-immigrant once Biden was elected. Partisan politics is a helluva drug.

        • LinkOpensChest.wavOPM
          722 days ago

          100% bullshit. Biden could accept that persecuting an entire group of people is unacceptable, no matter how popular this manifestation of bigotry may be.

          Instead, he’s throwing fuel on the flames of fascism.

          You’re applying the logic of a low-tier SS officer making excuses for Nazi Germany.

        • @winterayars@sh.itjust.works
          22 days ago

          If public opinion is the problem then the correct thing to do is change public opinion, not throw up your hands and go “nothing can be done, we just have to keep splitting up these families and keeping them in concentration camps”. How the hell did we get to the point where that seems inevitable?

          • @alcoholicorn@lemmy.ml
            221 days ago

            The thing is, it’s not public opinion, it’s opinion among people who are going to vote Trump no matter what. Dems still think the winning strategy is to “push” republicans as far to the right as possible, then triangulate their own positions 1 iota to the left of the republicans so that all those moderate republican swing voters finally vote democrat.

    • LinkOpensChest.wavOPM
      1322 days ago

      So much yes! The cavalier and defensive responses by Democrats have disillusioned me of the notion that they’re willing to “push Biden left” as they say.

      Instead, they’ll straight up brag about how Biden has imprisoned and deported more immigrants than Trump, and gloat about how they offered “the most restrictive anti-immigrant bill” ever but were rejected.

      And maybe idk here’s a novel thought for Democrats: Just maybe stop trying to appeal to fascists? Maybe try being the “lesser evil” they claim to be instead of committing atrocities on the regular and spreading the Republicans’ racist propaganda for them?

      My expectations for Biden were abysmally low (but I did vote for him in 2020), yet he continues to find new lows to which to stoop. Nothing I’ve seen from him or his supporters inspires hope.

  • @crawancon@lemm.ee
    1022 days ago

    it’s sooo cool how you simultaneously blame democrats (and apparently liberals since they are all the same to you) for having too much government reach and action on immigration and the border AND THEN turn around and complain that they are too soft on the border and immigrants are just flying through.

    it’s almost as if you’ve been fed talking points by fox News and choose to spew them out loud.

    • LinkOpensChest.wavOPM
      1822 days ago

      Normally I’d remove this type of fascist-bolstering liberal brainrot, but this is such a perfect example of the type of unhinged bullshit liberals spew whenever they’re confronted with the smallest amount of criticism that I’m leaving it up.

      No one in this community thinks Biden is “soft on the border.” What is wrong with you?

    • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S [he/him]
      1222 days ago

      simultaneously blame democrats … for having too much government reach and action on immigration and the border AND THEN turn around and complain that they are too soft on the border and immigrants are just flying through.

      I don’t think anyone around here thinks that Biden’s being “soft” on the border…or that we should even have a border in the first place…

      The phrasing “too much government reach and action on immigration” (because they should have none, which neither party offers) and “soft on the border and immigrants are just flying through” (because any maintenance of the border is unacceptable, whether “soft”-looking or not) really shows how silly it is to try and pigeonhole everything into partisan newspeak. Let’s say it like it is: borders suck and all of us here (I hope) are going to criticize any party or group that wants to continue hurting people because of them, regardless of who they claim to represent.

      it’s sooo cool to blame Democrats (and apparently liberals…

      I mean yeah it totally is lmao.

      • @GBU_28@lemm.ee
        122 days ago

        Wait, you think the United States should not have a border?

        No comment on current events but that on isolation is silly.

        • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S [he/him]
          122 days ago

          No state ought to exist, so as a special case it certainly ought not possess a border.

          • @GBU_28@lemm.ee
            122 days ago

            Don’t in the classroom, but the borders already exist, and to dissolve borders would require all connected beyond (at least) to achieve mutual agreement. That’s a fantasy.

            • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S [he/him]
              122 days ago

              To dissolve borders by collaborating with liberals within the existing system is indeed impossible, but is achievable through collective action outside the system. Frankly, collaborating with liberals within their system is a fruitless task for all but the smallest of gains.

              Practically, if we want to “get anything done”, it’s not going to happen by hoping and pleading with power brokers to pretty please make things better. So I’m not super interested in how feasible change would be within the halls of power because history has shown that we need to act outside the supervision of power brokers to make the world a better place.

              • @GBU_28@lemm.ee
                022 days ago

                Oh I didn’t know we were doing fantasy stuff.

                It’s more practical to discuss and further initiatives that improve the well-being of actual people trying to navigate actual systems in 2024.

                To that end, ensuring the elections if as many non pro airlock border / “cage em” republicans is the most important thing. Following that, consistent visible pressure on ideally blue American politicians is critical… Such that they further and sponsor favorable laws the executive branch can enforce. Behind all that, grassroots support of those at the border is not to be forgotten.

  • bluGill
    322 days ago

    One place where as a ‘right wing’ (whatever that means) person opposes my peers and I find most who oppose me on everything else still oppose me. does anyone have any ideals or is it all populism without thought? for that matter are their any christians around who care about the poor?

    • LinkOpensChest.wavOPM
      822 days ago

      I’m not religious, but there are definitely Christians who do help the poor. There are even certain groups of Catholics that offer tangible support to the poor, immigrants, trans people, etc. in spite of the capital-c Church being awful overall.

      Regarding the first part of your comment, I suspect people who engage with this community are here exactly because we do have ideals. Not all of us agree on some specifics (MLists vs. anarchists, anprims vs. ancoms, etc.), but I’d hope we at least agree that things like border fascism, genocide, classism, and queerphobia are unacceptable, full stop.

    • @cerement@slrpnk.net
      22 days ago

      Christians caring about the poor are pretty much the only ones following the teachings of Jesus instead of the teachings of the church

      • Catholic Workers
      • Sanctuary Movement
      • Plowshares Movement
      • and, as an aside, Marx was quoting Jesus:
        • And the congregation of those who believed were of one heart and soul; and not one of them claimed that anything belonging to him was his own, but all things were common property to them. And with great power the apostles were giving testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and abundant grace was upon them all. For there was not a needy person among them, for all who were owners of land or houses would sell them and bring the proceeds of the sales and lay them at the apostles’ feet, and they would be distributed to each as any had need. —Acts 4:32–35