#Oklahoma #Tulsa #OKEd #oklaed

  • @stands_while_poops@lemmy.world
    11 year ago

    I don’t understand the point of him doing it. It will reduce funding, which is already a problem, and does nothing to help address test scores. The only thing Walters seems to do is point fingers and complain about districts without trying to do anything to help. If it’s not about made up porn and indoctrination, he doesn’t seem to care.

    At the end of the day, there is only so much a school or teacher can do. They have these kids for 8 or 9 hours a day for 9ish months. They have to follow curriculum that can be very restricted, fit all the basic subjects into that span along with special subjects, lunch, recess, etc into that small window. Learning has to take place at home as well as school for kids to get the full benefit. I remember doing homework with my parents and flash cards and studying, all outside of school. Teachers today rarely give out homework because it never comes back to school. A lot of parents from these low income schools like TPS don’t speak English and/or are struggling to put food on the table. Others just flat out don’t want to or don’t think they should have to be involved in helping their kids learn. One of the parents protesting in favor of Walters said he liked what he’s doing because he’s raising God fearing Christian kids. That’s his choice and good for him if he thinks that’s what he should do. The problem though is that it’s HIS job to raise his kids that way. Not a school district. Not a teacher. Parents HAVE to be involved and take responsibility for education. They can’t rely on schools and teachers to teach everything and parent their kids for them. Raise your kids yourself in the way you feel they should be raised and let the school teach. Without proper involvement from the parents the test scores will always struggle.