I’ve looked these up a few times to check quotes from Paul, and realized I should collect the links in one place for future use. Let me know in the comments if I missed any.

Computershare’s Video Updates

An Update on Direct Share Registration - Youtube Link / Transcript Link

The benefits of digital shareholder communications and how investors in US companies can enroll - Youtube Link / Transcript Link

An update from Computershare on limit orders - Youtube Link / Transcript Link

An update on Fractional and Plan Shares from Computershare’s Paul Conn - Youtube Link / Transcript Link

Community AMAs

Superstonk AMA #1 - Youtube Link / Transcript Link

Superstonk AMA #2 - Youtube Link / Transcript Link

Superstonk AMA #3 - Youtube Link / Transcript Link

GME Jungle AMA - Youtube Link / Transcript Link

We The Investors AMA with the Securities and Exchange Commission - Youtube Link / Transcript Link

  • MozooZ@lemmy.whynotdrs.org
    2 years ago

    This is brilliant. Definitely needs to be saved for future reference.

    Edit: for anyone who may not know, if you go to the post’s options above, there’s one that is “view source” which enables you to, basically, copy and then paste the entire post’s text into, say, something like notepad… for future reference/use.