Here comes a new Friday social topic!

  1. What was the first computer you ever worked/played on?
  2. What was the first editor you used to write computer programs?
  3. What programming language did you write your first program in?
  4. How many days/months/years after you wrote your first program did you learn Lisp?
  5. What was your first Lisp?
  6. Which editor/IDE do you work with the most today?
  7. What programming languages do you work with the most today?
  8. Which Lisp do you work with the most today?
    10 months ago
    1. Some Dell that belonged to the school
    2. JCreator
    3. Java
    4. about 5
    5. Racket
    6. Emacs 7.Haskell & Common Lisp
    7. Common Lisp