Two conservative groups are asking a federal court to block the Biden administration’s plan to cancel $39 billion in student loans for more than 800,000 borrowers.

    10311 months ago

    Democrats could rinse and repeat this political strategy to multiple white house victories. Create policy that benefits common people while showing republicans as desperate to a holes that want to stop the help at any cost.

  • @MicroWave@lemmy.worldOP
    5311 months ago

    The Education Department called the suit “a desperate attempt from right wing special interests to keep hundreds of thousands of borrowers in debt.”

    “We are not going to back down or give an inch when it comes to defending working families,” the department said in a statement.

      711 months ago

      These “shocker!” or “I’m sooo surprised!” statements are self indulgent and actually kill the inspiration to fight back in some who read along. They don’t serve a purpose beyond you personally having something to say for the sake of it.

      Use that energy for a comment with some substance next time. Maybe you find and link some examples of your premise? Or promote the simple act of registering to vote so that we can get more progressive minded people in offices with mandates to do things like apply enforceable ethical standards to the Supreme Court.

  • Roundcat
    3811 months ago

    At some point you have to wonder how does this benefit conservatives at all? On the contrary, forgiving student debt would free up the income of several people in their districts to spend money and stimulate the economy. From a church’s perspective, any money that isn’t being spent on repayment is potentially money being dumped into their collection plates. And for all those conservative people who want liberals/queer people/racial minorities to move away from them, they would certainly have more money to do so. Even to the most die hard conservative, I don’t see how this isn’t an absolute win?

      3111 months ago

      More liberals go to college than conservatives. So while this will hurt some of their base, it will hurt their enemy more. And it’s a culture war victory for their aging boomer base that enjoyed cheap college and never had to struggle with college debt.

        1111 months ago

        Nah, they feed their base hate but that’s their playbook and not the point.

        Power and money are the point and poor people are easier to exploit. Everything they’re doing, even abortion, is about keeping the cycle of poverty going.

      811 months ago

      If loan forgiveness goes though its a major win for the Democrats and they cant have that. If republicans block it, then the peasants among us can claim that Democrats were never serious about it and both parties are the same.

    • Dran
      611 months ago

      The overlap of “old people who donate to churches” and “people with student debt” is probably quite low. Debt and hardship breeds low-income, low-educated future generations, and those uneducated bloodlines are easier to convince to go to church.

      Keeping middle america poor, uneducated, and struggling is a direct benefit to both religion and the corporate bottom line.

      411 months ago

      Poor, vulnerable people are easier for the capitalist class to exploit for lower wages.

      211 months ago
      1. Conservative areas have lower education rates so it doesn’t impact them as much.

      2. Banksters lobby.

      3. It might get them a few votes from their core supporters.

      4. It is denying the Democrats a win.

      111 months ago

      Because their base has the idea that it if doesn’t benefit them personally, we shouldn’t do it. If they don’t get “free money” too, then they missed out. How dare we correct a mistake of outrageously high college loans without just giving money to those who didn’t go to college or were able to pay it off? That’s not fair.

      1211 months ago

      Student loans do not effect the wealthy. They simply do not have student loans. For them it is a waste of tax money.

      And boomers did not need student loans because college was affordable. They believe you can still get s part time job and pay for school. So to them, quit being so lazy.

      Then we have the rich boomers that pay politicians to rage for them.

    2311 months ago

    If the forgiveness fails to go through, I wish they’d at least set the interest rate to 0% and/or make the minimum payment something ridiculously low like $20/month. Both would help a lot

  • MasterOBee Master/King
    -1711 months ago

    Good, student loans forgiveness is just a handout to the most capable earners of our generation.

    The fact that this is such a big talking point for the left shows how little they actually care about marginalized groups, it’s just so easy to get middle/upper middle class white liberals to buy into whatever talking points they want

      211 months ago

      Right and I’m sure you’re just lined up with solutions to help those marginalized groups 🙄

      Conservatives love their whataboutism.

      • MasterOBee Master/King
        -1111 months ago

        Right and I’m sure you’re just lined up with solutions to help those marginalized groups

        Yeah, take the money that you want to go to rich white educated people who aren’t struggling, and put it towards programs that help those in poverty, give incentives for individuals to donate to food banks, donate their time to charities and after school programs for inner city kids.

        I want to offer minorities after school programs to keep them off the streets, you want to give white people making 100k/year a handout. We are not the same