Foxx’s message was in reference to a prior post, no longer found on his feed, which read, “They killed this dude named Jesus… What do you think they’ll do to you???!” He ended the post with the hashtags #fakefriends and #fakelove.
Foxx’s message was in reference to a prior post, no longer found on his feed, which read, “They killed this dude named Jesus… What do you think they’ll do to you???!” He ended the post with the hashtags #fakefriends and #fakelove.
Why do some Christians blame Jews or anyone for killing Jesus? I mean isn’t that what Jesus wanted? Wasn’t that the predefined plan? Kinda like Judas. If it was determined by god that Judas would betray Jesus, why should Judas be punished for it, and how is that free will?
Anyways, it makes no sense.
The Bible do not make sense. The more you read it the more you’ll be convinced that its all bull shit.
There is a saying among atheist (paraphrased) “The road to atheism is through the bible” or “Only atheists have read the Bible cover to cover.”
Hang on, bruh… you tryna tell me the earth isn’t 5,000 years old?
Where exactly in the bible does it point out how old the earth is?
Yeah I’ve been to churches that preach this too. Southern Baptist. Morons.
It doesn’t say. The number comes from adding up all the dates in it. Which is not something I have studied so I am not sure how they resolve all the little problems like the period of slavery being given two different durations or the two different chronologies from David to Jesus in Luke and Matthew.
Don’t try the allegorical approach. It was not allegorical for people who wrote the Bible.
@afraid_of_zombies @style99
It’s from Genesis. Scroll down to “Ussher’s Methods” in the following link.
I will 100% vouch for this. I got to the point while reading it that I was constantly putting it down pissed off that people believed it. 2 Kings 2:23 - 24
Welcome to the horseshit that is religion.
There were early Christian sects which venerated Judas as a saint because of that.
And it’s not like he actually died, he was resurrected 3 days later by himself.
I mean, wasn’t it the Romans who killed Jesus anyway? Like, sure the Jews gave him up, but the Romans were the ones who wanted him dead.
There was a splitter sect in early Christianity that went back to Jerusalem. At some point they were cast out of the temples and formed their own. They became bitter and angry. Gradually the other books of Christianity seeped into this community and at some point the fourth gospel (traditional called John) was written. Pilot and the Romans were recast as innocent powerless against the Pharisees. You can see for yourself the difference between Pilot’s interrogation in Mark, where Pilot is really hung up on the challenge to the throne, vs John where Pilot is working hard to prove that Jesus is innocent.
As the Gospel with the most developed spiritual stuff, a proto-trinity, it is often the most studied and read from. Reneforcing the antisemitism.
I guess the moral of the story is make sure to rotate your tires on every oil change.