At tonight's House Oversight Committee hearing, Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) fired back at Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's (R-GA) personal insults.
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I don’t think people there love love her, but something something owning the libs something.
Many USian voters are entranced with the idea of having a firebrand provocateur on their side, someone who is able to get a rise out of their political opponents (not even totally excluding myself as it can be entertaining sometimes). And others just don’t care as long as the other side doesn’t win – to them, keeping the other side out of power is more important than putting a competent person in the seat.
In the US, you can either vote for every position on the ballot indvidually (dozens or more, dog catcher to prez), or you can vote “straight ticket” for the party, Dem or Repub. That’s how people like her get elected.
Who votes for MTG? Do people actually look at her and think “hmmm, she is going to represent me very well. Here is my vote”.
there are people who fuel their lives with hatred. for such people MTG is just the perfect representative. they don’t care about anything else.
it’s similar in many other countries today, not just the USA.
I don’t think people there love love her, but something something owning the libs something.
Many USian voters are entranced with the idea of having a firebrand provocateur on their side, someone who is able to get a rise out of their political opponents (not even totally excluding myself as it can be entertaining sometimes). And others just don’t care as long as the other side doesn’t win – to them, keeping the other side out of power is more important than putting a competent person in the seat.
In the US, you can either vote for every position on the ballot indvidually (dozens or more, dog catcher to prez), or you can vote “straight ticket” for the party, Dem or Repub. That’s how people like her get elected.