The app seems fairly small in size compared to orbot which is really old and also invizible pro seems to do a ton of things that including firewall vpn etc . So does it connect to tor network properly and pass all your traffic through it as good as orbot and completely block internet acces to not whitelisted services as good as rethink do ? Or does it cut cornors and do all the things but do all of them horribly ? Is it audited or atleast watched by enough people to be secure ? Anyway share your thoughts .

I think if the app does everything it boasts to do perfectly its one in a kind and unmatched and probably would make any android really really safe but i’m really skeptical . I have tried it out a month ago but ditched it after reading that its firewall does not work that well but idk if that is true or not anyway share your thoughts .

    • @LegendOP
      129 months ago

      Yeah i know of tor browser but that’s just it a browser it can’t pass all traffic through tor . And the browser and orbot was removed from fdroid recently due to having proprietary blobs but they are working on a fix which will hopefull soon get them back untill then if you really want to use those add guardian projects official repo into your fdroid client .

        • @LegendOP
          29 months ago

          I read it from artictles of fdroid and guardian can’t find them atm but if anyone got it do post it here

          • lemmyreader
            9 months ago
            • Go to the settings of your F-Droid app
            • Enable the Guardian Project repository
            • Wait till it has updated the repo info
            • Install OrBot
            • @LegendOP
              9 months ago

              What ? I just told the guy who asked the same thing I think you commented on the wrong comment .

    • merde alors
      59 months ago

      i use orbot for a couple of apps.

      Tor browser cannot replace orbot

    29 months ago

    I’m using it, but mostly only as Proxie. it also avoid a lot of ads in the Android apps. I2P and TOR network only occasional. It’s a good app and FOSS.

    19 months ago

    I use it, but I don’t use it in VPN mode for my entire device. I use it in proxy mode so that things that are specifically looking for tour on local host, 1950 will connect through it and it seems to work fine for that purpose. I use it for f-droid and SimpleX

    • merde alors
      39 months ago

      I’ve read this on

      This product is produced independently from the Tor®, DNSCrypt, Purple I2P software and carries no guarantee from The Above Projects about quality, suitability or anything else.

      why would i use this app “that carries no guarantee” instead of those original projects?

    • @LegendOP
      19 months ago

      How would you rank it against rethink with wireguard ? Also if the tor connection for some reason suddenly stopped i heard the app doesn’t stop internet connection but just let you continue using your device without any protection including no firewall as they seem to need one other connection to run a firewall . Also how good’s the firewall itself compared to rethink does it block all system except the allowed apps ? I remember the firewall still letting me browse .

        • @LegendOP
          19 months ago

          Yep rethink dev is really responsive and it has kinda never stopped for me cause i put back up configs incase one goes down but still i have to trust the vpn provider which i kinda do but with tor i kinda don’t have to trust anyone which is tempting. And i did put it in vpn mode, the thing is i blocked my browser with invizible pro’s firewall but the browser still worked ?? which put me off but maybe i did it wrong ? I find invisible pro’s firewall too confusing for no reason like i woild just like it to be like in rethink’s . Maybe i should give it another try do you recommend i2p over tor incase one of them goes down or just tor ? I’m leaning towards just tor as maybe p2p will mess with Tor’s setup and cause privacy issues ? Anyway share your thoughts .