I mostly charge up at home (240V receptacle and L2 EVSE), and I limited my charge to stop at 80%. I’ve heard competing ideas about if that’s really necessary, but I usually drive <50mi each day, so I figured I don’t need to full range anyway. When we’re planning to take a trip or something with the car, I will charge fully the night before.

  • FlanFlinger@lemmy.ml
    2 years ago

    We only charge our 2015 Leaf 24kwh with a granny charger on a 16a 240v circuit (Europe) and always to 100%, we’ve only used a DCFC 3 times in 16k KM’s, the first 2 were while we were waiting for our granny charger to arrive. I’ve taken regular readings of our SOH which was 88.77% 67434 KM’s and the last one I took was 84.74% 84763 KM’s, interestingly the SOH crept up for a period, before dropping back down and is currently on the upwards creep again.